
Errata in Studying the Dutch Business Elite: Relational Concepts and Methods by Rob Timans

Updated November 5, 2015

Page 156 – 187 passim; p.258: The references made to Beekenkamp and Dronkers (2002) should be replaced by: Beekenkamp, edited by Dronkers and Dronkers-Vlaming (2002).

Page 180, fifth line from below: instead of fourth axis, read: third axis.

Page 196 – 197, after Table 6.2: italicized text has disappeared:
As before, the CEOs that head a firm owned by themselves or their family are mostly located on the left hand side of the axis (see Figure 6.2). An interpretation of this axis in line with the explanation offered in Chapter 5 therefore seems to be justified. The first axis seems to capture different volumes of cultural capital obtained through the family and educational system. On the right hand side we find individuals with high amounts of this capital while on the left, – those with low amounts are located (CEOs that did not complete any form of higher education and did not attend university). In addition, the latter group has a stable career pattern in the sense of not having gone through any sector changes prior to their CEO-position.